Sunday 27 March 2011

Patch preview review

My dear readers!
I apologize for not updating the blog for some time, I had too much school to do. I decided not to talk about the recent patches, as there's been a lot going on.

So, to the patch preview!

"For this patch, we’re mainly focusing on bug fixes, as well as some more buffs to several champions. The reason we went for this focus was to prepare for the upcoming patch, in which we’re preparing some interesting solutions to damage-vs-defense, counters to tank-stacked teams, and other larger balance changes. We added an extra maximum Yordle Snap Trap to Caitlyn, which will improve her team utility presence, along with an attack speed boost to give her a little more ability to scale into late-game damage. Garen’s movement speed was increased to 320, and gave a massive early game increase to the damage reduction on Courage. This ability needs to be more reliable in the laning phase to allow Garen to close and be effective. Doubling the rank 1 value should be a big help in this regard. Galio’s ultimate has had it range increased by 50, to give it some additional value in more spread out fights. We plan to continue adjusting Galio. Finally, we’ve changed towers to protect better against unattended minion waves, but less against coordinated pushes. We wanted to avoid lengthening game times, but at the same time want to make it so leaving minion waves unattended isn’t quite so punishing. This change aims to accomplish that."

Well well! A counter to beefy teams? Me gusta! I know people say "omg get bloodrazor nub" or "dfg ffs", but hey, building it every game is not cool. When every enemy has over 3.5k health HP it is very, very annoying and i'm sure everyone knows what I'm talking about. When I think about it, what would be actually a good counter to tanky teams? More % of HP damage items? That would be cool. I always find the introduction of new items exciting!

Caitlyn and Galio buffs - I'm sure the additional trap is a great thing, she needed a little buff in my opinion. And Galio buff? Great! He is veeery underpowered in my opinion, though being a great asset to AoE teams, which I haven't seen many lately though.

Garen buff. I'm not sure about this, I haven't seen a spin2winner in ages. Perhaps this buff will make him more popular, why not? :)

Turrets vs. minion waves - that's an interesting thing. I always liked seeing a big green mass on the minimap, and red ones? Tasty farming. We'll see how this comes out. I just hope we don't get an anti-backdooring mechanism next patch (I fell in love with Master Yi, haha).

Bug fixes are always good, I'm still waiting if Pantheon's Aegis jump over obstacles is going to get fixed any soon.

Stay tuned in! I'll surely post many more of my opinions, of course as long as you care :-)
Have a nice Sunday!

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