Sunday 24 July 2011

Winged Hussar Xin Zhao release confirmed!

My fellow conspirators!

I stalked the forums for some time, and I bring good and bad news concerning our long awaited WHXZ! So, the good thing is - it has been confirmed to be released along with the Polish client version. And obviously, the bad news is that we don't know when it is coming out, however there are several traces it won't take long. For example the option to switch to Polish, Riot's responses in the forums etcetera. I'll post an undercover thread and ask when is the Polish client coming out, for the sake of my readers!

If somebody doesn't get the connection between Poland and Winged Hussars, do those tasks in the given order:

1) be ashamed of yourself
2) play this song while executing the third task
3) check this link

Stay tuned as I will bring more info!

My EU East impressions

Hey guys!

I wanted to share my opinion on the EU East server. So basically, the forums are flooded with posts a.k.a. "fuck russians", "Another losing streak" etc. When I look up the people's ingame profiles though, I can only laugh. Most
guys whining about noob teams often have losses with scores such as 1/10 with Jax or 0/8 with Teemo. And they're surprised they lost? I mean, look at this picture.
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I looked up every single player's profiles, they all had at least 2-3 such scores. Basically the community is hating on a community that doesn't exist and actually is itself, speaking of all those nationalism hate posts. Yes, from time to time you get a polish / russian / greek duo, however only once it happened to me they refused to speak english, or at least communicate in some way. My match history is full of victories with amazing scores, and I can safely say, yes, the overall player's level has decreased, however that doesn't mean that good players can't carry the games. I even had one game with a 0/5 Mundo who left at cca 25 minutes, we won that game anyway (the 18/3 Irelia game). It took like 76 minutes, and was extremely close and extremely enjoyable.

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My conclusion is that good players will have fun in EU East and that the games are carryable, just play the champions you are confident with more often, the % of good players has somehow decreased. I have a balanced W/L ratio, I am at almost 500 wins atm, so I'm sure the people with a higher W/L ratio have fine games. And those who are lower? Well, your fault you fell there in the first place. I am moving to west anyway because of my clan being there, however I fully enjoy the games here. Reminds me of ranked somehow, lol. And if anyone was asking, I'm Czech ;)

Alright, thanks for reading! See you soon. I'm also planning to turn this blog a bit less LoL oriented soon, so you have what to look forwards to!

New Kayle champion spotlight!

So, what's going on here?

Kayle's upcoming changes have been announced fairly a long time ago, so here it is. The main person who took part in changing her was Shurelia, as she even created in-client chatrooms to discuss possible changes for Kayle with the players. The most dramatic change that has been done to her, or as I feel it, is her new passive. Her old one was that 30% of her AD is turned into AP and 15% of her AP is turned into AD. The new one however shreds some of the enemy's armor and magic resistance on hit. A lot of people have been complaining about the complete remake, however I generally feel that the change isn't that large. The effect is basically the same, you deal more damage to the enemy (shortenly said), however with the new passive you can help your team more in fights and ganks by decreasing the target's defenses. I think it is an interesting passive.

Her Q is only buffed, the projectile speed is increased along with the slow %, definately good. She now also deals bonus damage to the target hit, perhaps making DFG a viable choice?

Her W has been been changed a bit too, instead of a fairly long movement speed increase it now is rather a burst haste, having it's duration lowered but % of speed given increased. It will also have increased costs and cooldown. This is basically to prevent her staying in lane for too long, since a farmed lategame Kayle is just roargh, I'll talk about that later.

Her E is basically the same when talking about concept; her autoattacks are ranged for a duration and deal magic damage + a % of her AP, whose ratio has been decreased. Phreak also basically says that "...on the other side, we are DECREASING the cooldown and AP ratio". He supposedly meant that it will have a longer cooldown, but if you look at some of the teamfights, you see the E's duration is same as the cooldown, given the fact he has Nashor's tooth and 15% CDR from runes and masteries, resulting in 40% cooldown reduction. This saddens me, because Kayle is incredibly relying on E being constantly up, I really hoped the cooldown will be decreased.

Her ultimate is staying unchanged, it still shields an ally from all damage for a few seconds.

To conclude it: I think Riot did a pretty good job, basically the whole point of the remake is to help her early game, which is terrible, and make her weaker lategame, which if played decently, Kayle can just rape anything anywhere. I used to play her for some time and I think that she was a really good champion and the remake might not have been that neccesary, the only problem was that in order to be good lategame she needed to be farmed and fed early-mid. Riot is basically putting this away, because they generally want to make the game as easy as possible. I read on redtracker that soon the Q farming of Nasus and Veigar is to be removed, as it is an "archaic mechanic that is extremely hard to utilize" (guess who posted it, yes, NSMT!), however the thing is that Riot propably don't get that people who play those champions LIKE the mechanic as it adds over 9000 levels of uniqueness to the champion, me being one of them as Nasus is one of my favourite champions. It gives them a certain, rewarding playstyle, as Kayle's used to be. I don't really like where things are going.

Anyway, I think it is an interesting change of things in the League and I hope Kayle will be a more picked champion now! To the pesimistically at-Kayle looking people: remember the latest GP "remake"? And where is he now? :)

See you guys, sorry for being inactive. I'm such a lazy person.