Sunday 24 July 2011

My EU East impressions

Hey guys!

I wanted to share my opinion on the EU East server. So basically, the forums are flooded with posts a.k.a. "fuck russians", "Another losing streak" etc. When I look up the people's ingame profiles though, I can only laugh. Most
guys whining about noob teams often have losses with scores such as 1/10 with Jax or 0/8 with Teemo. And they're surprised they lost? I mean, look at this picture.
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I looked up every single player's profiles, they all had at least 2-3 such scores. Basically the community is hating on a community that doesn't exist and actually is itself, speaking of all those nationalism hate posts. Yes, from time to time you get a polish / russian / greek duo, however only once it happened to me they refused to speak english, or at least communicate in some way. My match history is full of victories with amazing scores, and I can safely say, yes, the overall player's level has decreased, however that doesn't mean that good players can't carry the games. I even had one game with a 0/5 Mundo who left at cca 25 minutes, we won that game anyway (the 18/3 Irelia game). It took like 76 minutes, and was extremely close and extremely enjoyable.

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My conclusion is that good players will have fun in EU East and that the games are carryable, just play the champions you are confident with more often, the % of good players has somehow decreased. I have a balanced W/L ratio, I am at almost 500 wins atm, so I'm sure the people with a higher W/L ratio have fine games. And those who are lower? Well, your fault you fell there in the first place. I am moving to west anyway because of my clan being there, however I fully enjoy the games here. Reminds me of ranked somehow, lol. And if anyone was asking, I'm Czech ;)

Alright, thanks for reading! See you soon. I'm also planning to turn this blog a bit less LoL oriented soon, so you have what to look forwards to!

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